Playtest & Feedback

We did not have a final build to playtest before the presentation, but we got plenty of great feedback from the group’s reaction to the game. First off, the most critical point that was made had to do with the lack of colliders preventing the driving player from completely leaving the road and falling off the plane the level exists on. Continuing on the topic of gameplay, people also discovered an issue with the driving where the car could flip over and bug out if the driver were to make too sharp of a turn. As for suggestions, ideas about expanding the multiplayer experience by introducing racing was brought up. This would mean there could be 6+ players distracting multiple drivers that are also trying to race each other, which is a fun idea.

Moving on to the feedback on the visuals, a really interesting point was made about our low poly art style actually affecting gameplay because of the flat colors interfering with depth perception, which is especially problematic in a driving game. Other points about inconsistent UI styles were also brought up, as well as comments suggesting a more diverse soundtrack, which was on our list during development, however time constraints didn’t allow us to have that come into fruition.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to play our game!

Files 25 MB
Nov 19, 2020 26 MB
Nov 19, 2020

Get are we there yet?

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